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PVM Blog
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Presbyterian Villages of Michigan is committed to serving seniors and communities. It’s our goal to be a first-line provider of resources, including information. Aging should be an adventure, not a scary trip!

In the PVM Blog, the experts at PVM will regularly publish articles and information. Topics may range from smart ways to age in place in your long-time home, to tips on how to shop for a senior community. We will have articles on transportation, wellness, nutrition, technology, activities, outlook-on-life, and more.

Please let us know your ideas for topics and comments on our articles. We succeed as seniors in our community have the best Aging Adventure!

Happy Summer to all of our readers. I hope that you are having a chance to gather with family and friends whether with a family reunion or simply a trip to the zoo or local library with your grandchildren. While having fun remember to also keep safety and security in mind.

While working in the back yard keep your back door locked at all times.

With the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day holiday I have been thinking about the importance of heritage and legacy. Creating this sense of belonging in a family is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves and also to our children and grandchildren. My parents were officers in their local genealogy organization for thirty years. The members called my dad “Mr. Perfect” since he had perfect audits for his entire tenure. They took great pleasure in tracing not only their own roots but also in helping many others to find theirs. The club also published several books which are utilized by libraries far and wide. Their love of genealogy rubbed off on their family and friends. We took great pride in finding that our ancestors included Daniel and Noah Webster, as well as an ancestor who lived to be 114 years of age in the 1800’s! Of course, our cadre of ancestors also includes a horse thief. Every family has its issues!

How exciting it is to report that a major magazine is echoing my message of many years. The term anti-aging is out, and the notion of aging well is in! Allure Magazine has announced in its latest issue that they are making a resolution to stop using the term anti-aging. They state, "changing the way we think about aging starts with changing the way we talk about aging."

I am asking all of our readers to help in getting rid of excessive use of voice mail by companies and organizations with which we all do business. The following comments are ones they need to know. If everyone takes surveys and writes letters expressing our dismay it could make a difference. Here are some of my comments to consider:

Over this past Thanksgiving weekend I kept hearing this popular holiday song playing on the radio and began thinking about all the changes America has experienced since this song was first introduced. Most likely none of us took a sleigh to visit Grandma; and very likely many of us traveled to a condo or a PVM Village to visit with their parents and grandparents. However, some universal concepts and experiences carry on through the changing decades. Among these are: