(248) 281-2020 |
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25200 Telegraph Road, Suite 400 •
Southfield, Michigan 48033-7496
Presbyterian Villages of Michigan is committed to serving seniors and communities. It’s our goal to be a first-line provider of resources, including information. Aging should be an adventure, not a scary trip!
In the PVM Blog, the experts at PVM will regularly publish articles and information. Topics may range from smart ways to age in place in your long-time home, to tips on how to shop for a senior community. We will have articles on transportation, wellness, nutrition, technology, activities, outlook-on-life, and more.
Please let us know your ideas for topics and comments on our articles. We succeed as seniors in our community have the best Aging Adventure!
During a pandemic, I admit that it can be rather difficult to ‘look on the bright side.’ To keep from catching or spreading the coronavirus, we have shut ourselves in and stopped doing many of the things we once enjoyed. We only ‘visit’ with our family and friends through our phones, tablets or laptops and we have to stay distant and cover our faces when we venture out to take care of the essentials, such as buying groceries and attending medical appointments. Life in the year 2020 sure is different.
As if protecting ourselves against COVID-19 and the flu (see a video by our CEO Roger Myers) isn’t enough we also need to watch out for mosquito-born diseases. These include Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus denge, and malaria. The best way to prevent diseases spread by mosquitos is to avoid being bitten. The following can help protect you and your family from mosquito bites:
Whether you’re looking for something entertaining to read, consider yourself a budding author and have words of wisdom or a funny story to share or have an interest in brushing up on your poetry skills you need to check out Your Good Life!
A person needs a guardian when he or she becomes physically, mentally or financially unable to function independently. The issue of a need for a guardian can arise in a number of ways. Sometimes loved ones will not be able to deal with their own activities of daily living, such as grooming or household chores and cooking. Or family may realize that their loved one is giving away money to lots of charities, ordering many magazines or having trouble with paying their bills. Often healthcare providers will require a guardian if they sense these issues. It is important to determine how necessary this action is and have all in agreement.
As you are all aware, due to concerns about COVID-19, our annual Village Victory Cup competition that was scheduled to take place on June 7th at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi had to be cancelled. That’s the bad news. The good news is that we have found a way to move ahead with the competition.