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PVM Blog
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Presbyterian Villages of Michigan is committed to serving seniors and communities. It’s our goal to be a first-line provider of resources, including information. Aging should be an adventure, not a scary trip!

In the PVM Blog, the experts at PVM will regularly publish articles and information. Topics may range from smart ways to age in place in your long-time home, to tips on how to shop for a senior community. We will have articles on transportation, wellness, nutrition, technology, activities, outlook-on-life, and more.

Please let us know your ideas for topics and comments on our articles. We succeed as seniors in our community have the best Aging Adventure!

Whether you can carry a tune or not, it turns out that not only is singing good for the soul, it’s good for the body and mind too. Research has shown that singing can be healthy for our hearts, lungs, and brains because it increases oxygen consumption, improves blood flow, and strengthens the muscles we use for breathing. It can also help us better manage stress and improve our mood because it reduces the levels of a stress hormone called cortisol circulating in our blood and increases the level of feel-good hormones called endorphins circulating in our brains. Singing may also strengthen our immune systems by elevating blood antibody levels, which are proteins produced by our bodies to fight infection and disease.

We’ve all heard about the physical benefits of exercise, but did you know it can also be good for our souls? Though spirituality means different things to different people, at its core is a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves that fills us with awe and provides us with meaning and purpose. Cultivating that sense of connection requires practice, and one way to practice is through exercise.

March is national nutrition month, so you might expect this article to focus on healthy eating, however, if you suffer from poor oral health, eating healthy may be the last thing on your mind.  The pain and discomfort associated with tooth decay, gum disease, dry mouth and other oral health problems can make chewing and swallowing difficult.  You may skip eating altogether or turn to softer foods, which tend to be highly processed, contain a lot of fat and sugar, and are far from healthy.

Alcohol is a part of American culture. We celebrate and socialize with it, and it plays a prominent role in many of our religions. And while moderate alcohol consumption may have some health benefits (≤ 2 drinks/day for men, ≤ 1 drink/day for women), it’s excessive drinking that you have to worry about. Most of you know that drinking too much increases your risk of injury, especially if you get behind the wheel, but did you know that it can wreak havoc on your brain, heart, liver, pancreas, and immune system?

Yes indeed. It’s that time of year again. Time to get ready for the annual Village Victory Cup scheduled for Friday, June 22nd! This year’s event will feature some of the same exciting tried and true games as years past such as the Beanbag Toss, the Hoop Shoot, the Wellness Walk, the Puzzler, and the Balloon Volleyball Tournament, and the Kick-a-Roo will be returning for the second consecutive year, but with a slight modification. And based on a barrage of requests from residents, new this year there will be a group dance competition. Also, because the event continues to grow, this year the Village Victory Cup will be held at a new location, the Suburban Collection Showplace Diamond Ballroom in Novi.