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Southfield, Michigan 48033-7496

May 1st has been known for centuries as May Day and has celebrated at the beginning of spring with a dance around a Maypole. As a centerpiece for an ancient European spring festival, Maypoles are known for being colorful and festive while decorated with ribbons. Springtime is known for celebrating renewal.

Thus, it is quite appropriate that the month of May is also known as Older Americans Month in America. As older adults we have opportunities not afforded to our ancestors. We experience the joy of being with our grandchildren and great grandchildren. We can create legacies for our families and communities. We even get second chances and, in some cases, rekindled romances. Adventure calls as many travel around the world and volunteer for charitable causes. 

The theme for Older Americans Month of 2019 is CONNECT, CREATE, CONTRIBUTE.

Connect with friends, family, and services that support participation. Create by engaging in activities that promote learning, health, and personal enrichment. Contribute time, talent, and life experience to benefit others. 

Communities that encourage the contributions of older adults are stronger! By engaging and supporting all community members, we recognize that older adults play a key role in the vitality of our neighborhoods, networks and lives. 

We acknowledge the Administration for Community Living at the federal level for key information included in this message.