October 18, 2020 was a cool day with gray skies that threatened rain, but the sixty people attending the outdoor 20th Anniversary Celebration of The Village of Warren Glenn did not notice the weather. Pastor Julie Delezenne of the1st Presbyterian Church of Warren conducted a worship service and blessed the building while Roger Myers from Presbyterian Villages of Michigan spoke about the strong partnership between a committed church and a non-profit leader in senior housing that led to the building of Warren Glenn. Each resident received a commemorative cup and goodies from 1st Church and the Village of Warren Glenn. And with a mark of divine intervention, the rain held off until seven minutes after everyone left!
Anne Lilla, WG Administrator
Roger Myers, PVM President/CEO
Macolm McDougall, WG Board Chair
Glenn McIntyre, Jr., First Church of Warren Member
Rev. Dr. Flo Barbee-Watkins, Presbytery of Detroit
WG Board of Directors
Malcolm McDougall, Chairperson
Mary Blasczak
Betty Challenger
Sr. Mary Fagan
Marijo Hockley